David Byrne Tells Stories From His Latest Solo Album American Utopia on World Cafe – Today at 2 pm

Via KRCB Radio

Photo: John Meyers

By Mark Prell

David Byrne's creativity knows no bounds – from his career with Talking Heads, to all the art installations, theatre pieces, and solo albums, including his latest, American Utopia. We'll get a peek inside his mind, and the wonderment that he puts to music, as Talia Schlanger's guest today. He talks about taking on the perspective of dogs and chickens in the new songs, and why he's been closing out concerts with a Janelle Monae cover that pays tribute to black Americans who have been killed by police. It's a wide-ranging conversation with the fascinating, David Byrne. On this encore edition of the World Cafe.

You can hear World Cafe weekdays at 2:00 pm on KRCB-FM Radio 91 / streaming @ norcalpublicmedia.org / Comcast Cable channel 961 all over the Bay Area / Listen live on-the-go with the FREE KRCB Mobile App from the App Store & Google Play!

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