Reasons To Be Cheerful Talk, January 8th!

At 12:30 on January 8th at the lovely New School Auditorium on 12th St., I’m doing a short introductory talk as part of my continuing Reasons To Be Cheerful project.

This is an online project that is an continuation and extension of some writing and talks I’ve done recently. The project will be cross-platform—some elements may appear on social media, some on a website and some might manifest as a recording or performance. I’ve done these talks elsewhere, at BRIC Arts Center in Fort Greene and at IdeasCity with the New Museum, and now I’m hoping to bring the idea to a wider audience.

Briefly, here’s what it is—I began to look for encouraging things that are happening anywhere, and if they have been tested, if they have been proven to work, if they can be transferred and adopted in other places, if they can scale up—then let’s hold them up for consideration, and let’s invite others to add to this project. There are actually a LOT of encouraging things going on around the world—they’ve given me hope, and I’d like to share them.

As I was beginning to compile these examples, I was also making a record—songs that I suspect were informed by much of this material.

You can RSVP here. The event is free and seating is limited, but it will also be live streamed on my Facebook here and posted on my site here.

David Byrne


This program is organized by Todomundo / Nonesuch Records in collaboration with College of Performing Arts at The New School.

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