By Todomundo
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Senegal, in West Africa, is home to a wide variety of music. Most of the country is Islamic, but there is plenty of music and dancing (Islam takes many forms). Musicians in Senegal were among the first to be inspired by Cuban grooves and shift the Cuban instrumental parts over to electric guitars. The singer Yousoui N’Dour introduced a local variation that became known as Mbalax. Interestingly, at one point he made different records for the international market and the local market. I read that unexpectedly the locals loved his more “western” international-sounding releases, while the “world music” fans preferred what they felt were the more “authentic” sounding records for the local market.
Music from the interior is completely different—having gentler grooves and being kora-dominant—but over the years more international sounds were incorporated as well.
More recently, elements of programmed synths and beats have become common, as well as elements of hip hop (but with local flavor and sounds).
-David Byrne
By Todomundo