1. Desde Que o Samba é Samba

A tristeza é senhora
Desde que o samba é samba é assim
A lágrima clara sobre a pele escura
A noite, a chuva que cai lá fora
Solidão apavora
Tudo demorando em ser tão ruim
Mas alguma coisa acontece
No quando agora em mim
Cantando eu mando a tristeza embora

A tristeza é senhora
Desde que o samba é samba é assim
A lágrima clara sobre a pele escura
A noite e a chuva que cai lá fora
Solidão apavora
Tudo demorando em ser tão ruim
Mas alguma coisa acontece
No quando agora em mim
Cantando eu mando a tristeza embora

O samba ainda vai nascer
O samba ainda não chegou

O samba não vai morrer
Veja o dia ainda não raiou

O samba é o pai do prazer
O samba é o filho da dor

O grande poder transformador

2. Você é Linda

Fonte de mel
Nos olhos de gueixa
Kabuki, máscara
Choque entre o azul
E o cacho de acácias
Luz das acácias
Você é mãe do sol
A sua coisa é toda tão certa
Beleza esperta
Você me deixa a rua deserta
Quando atravessa
E não olha pra trás

E sabe viver
Você me faz feliz
Esta canção é só pra dizer
E diz
Você é linda
Mais que demais
Vocé é linda sim
Onda do mar do amor
Que bateu em mim

Você é forte
Dentes e músculos
Peitos e lábios
Você é forte
Letras e músicas
Todas as músicas
Que ainda hei de ouvir
No Abaeté
Areias e estrelas
Não são mais belas
Do que você
Mulher das estrelas
Mina de estrelas
Diga o que você quer

Você é linda
E sabe viver
Você me faz feliz
Esta canção é só pra dizer
E diz
Você é linda
Mais que demais
Você é linda sim
Onda do mar do amor
Que bateu em mim

Gosto de ver
Você no seu ritmo
Dona do carnaval
Gosto de ter
Sentir seu estilo
Ir no seu íntimo
Nunca me faça mal

Mais que demais
Você é linda sim
Onda do mar do amor
Que bateu em mim
Você é linda
E sabe viver
Você me faz feliz
Esta canção é só pra dizer
E diz

3. Sampa

Alguma coisa acontece no meu coração
Que só quando cruza a Ipiranga e a avenida São João
É que quando eu cheguei por aqui eu nada entendi
Da dura poesia concreta de tuas esquinas
Da deselegância discreta de tuas meninas

Ainda não havia para mim, Rita Lee
A tua mais completa tradução
Alguma coisa acontece no meu coração
Que só quando cruza a Ipiranga e a avenida São João

Quando eu te encarei frente a frente não vi o meu rosto
Chamei de mau gosto o que vi, de mau gosto, mau gosto
É que Narciso acha feio o que não é espelho
E à mente apavora o que ainda não é mesmo velho
Nada do que não era antes quando não somos Mutantes

E foste um difícil começo
Afasta o que não conheço
E quem vem de outro sonho feliz de cidade
Aprende depressa a chamar-te de realidade
Porque és o avesso do avesso do avesso do avesso

Do povo oprimido nas filas, nas vilas, favelas
Da força da grana que ergue e destrói coisas belas
Da feia fumaça que sobe, apagando as estrelas
Eu vejo surgir teus poetas de campos, espaços
Tuas oficinas de florestas, teus deuses da chuva

Pan-Américas de Áfricas utópicas, túmulo do samba
Mais possível novo quilombo de Zumbi
E os Novos Baianos passeiam na tua garoa
E novos baianos te podem curtir numa boa
Add a playlist
Baixe no celular

4. O Leãozinho

Gosto muito de te ver, leãozinho
Caminhando sob o sol
Gosto muito de você, leãozinho

Para desentristecer, leãozinho
O meu coração tão só
Basta eu encontrar você no caminho

Um filhote de leão, raio da manhã
Arrastando o meu olhar como um ímã
O meu coração é o sol, pai de toda cor
Quando ele lhe doura a pele ao léu

Gosto de te ver ao sol, leãozinho
De te ver entrar no mar
Tua pele, tua luz, tua juba

Gosto de ficar ao sol, leãozinho
De molhar minha juba
De estar perto de você e entrar no mar

5. Coração Vagabundo

Meu coração não se cansa
De ter esperança
De um dia ser tudo o que quer

Meu coração de criança
Não é só a lembrança
De um vulto feliz de mulher
Que passou por meus sonhos

Sem dizer adeus
E fez dos olhos meus
Um chorar mais sem fim

Meu coração vagabundo
Quer guardar o mundo
Em mim

Meu coração vagabundo
Quer guardar o mundo
Em mim

6. Manhatã

Uma canoa canoa
Varando a manh? De norte a sul
Deusa da lenda na proa
Levanta uma tocha na m? O
Todos os homens do mundo
Voltaram seus olhos naquela dire?? O
Sente-se o gosto do vento
Cantando nos vidros nome doce da cunh?:

Manhattan, Manhattan
Manhattan, Manhattan

Um remoinho de dinheiro
Varre o mundo inteiro, um leve leviat?
E aqui dan? Am guerras no meio
Da paz das moradas de amor

Ah! Pra onde vai, quando for
Essa imensa alegria, toda essa exalta?? O
Ah! Solid? O, multid? O
Que menina bonita mordendo a polpa da ma??:

Manhattan, Manhattan
Manhattan, Manhattan

7. The Revolution

Amplifiers & old guitars
Country music sung in bars
& when she sings the revolution's near

Beauty holds the microphone
& watches as we stumble home
& she can see the revolution now

Dirt & fish & trees & houses
Smoke & hands up women's blouses
Not like I expected it would be

Bubbles pop in every size
It's analyzed & criticized
& beauty knows that it is almost here

Beauty goes to her address
She shuts the door and climbs the stairs
& when she sleeps the revolution grows

Beauty rests on mattress strings
Wearing just her underthings
& when she wakes the revolution's here
& when she wakes the revolution's here

8. Everyone's in Love with You

I introduce you to my friends
& that's the last I see of you
All the world's discovered my big secret
Everyone's in love with you

They're fascinated by your smile
They copy all the things you do
I wish that you & I could be together, but
Everyone's in love with you, yeah
Everyone's in love with you

God gives, God's wise
The way that she smiles
It should be no surprise
At work, at home
I'm introduced to so & so
But you're the one they want to know

I'm jealous & a little proud
I want to kill & kiss you too
You belong to everyone who meets you
Everyone's in love with you

God gives, God takes
Don't misunderstand I'm a satisfied man
So sweet, so strange
I guess I'll never understand the things she does to all my friends

I'm jealous & a little proud
I want to kill & kiss you too
You belong to everyone who meets you
Everyone's in love with you
Everyone's in love with you

9. And She Was


And she was lying in the grass
And she could hear the highway breathing
And she could see a nearby factory
She's making sure she is not dreaming

See the lights of a neighbor's house
Now she's starting to rise
Take a minute to concentrate
And she opens up her eyes

The world was moving she was right there with it and she was
The world was moving she was floating above it and she was
And she was

And she was drifting through the backyard
And she was taking off her dress
And she was moving very slowly
Rising up above the earth

Moving into the universe
And she's drifting this way and that
Not touching the ground at all
And she's up above the yard

The world was moving, she was right there with it and she was
(Hey, hey)
The world was moving, she was floating above it and she was
(Hey, hey, hey)

She was proud about it, no doubt about it
She isn't sure about what she's done
No time to think about what to tell him
No time to think about what she's done
And she was
(Hey hey, hey hey, hey)

And she was looking at herself
And things were looking like a movie
She had a pleasant elevation
She's moving out in all directions
Oh, oh oh

Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey

The world was moving, she was right there with it and she was
(Hey, woo hoo)
The world was moving, she was floating above it and she was
(Hey, hey)

Joining the world of missing persons and she was
Missing enough to feel all right and she was

And she was
And she was
And she was

10. She Only Sleeps

She might dance all night
In a topless bar
Fool around, go too far
But I don't mind
You see things are not what they appear
'Cause she only sleeps with me.

She might drink a bit
Lose her way
Crash the car
But come out ok
And my friends might laugh
But they only know what they can see
And she only sleeps with me

Nights on Times Square
Live and on stage
High heels
She feels
That she's dancin' for me

And the little bird
Flies from tree to tree
To the highest branch
Where she thinks she's free
She can have it all
That's the reason you wouldn't believe
That she only sleeps with me

There's a porno book
In the library
Nothin' ever goes
Were it shouldn't be
And the world is queer
And the human is strangest of all
And she only sleeps, yeah, she only sleeps
Yeah, she only sleeps with me

11. Life During Wartime

Heard of a van that is loaded with weapons,
Packed up and ready to go
Heard of some grave sites, out by the highway,
A place where nobody knows

The sound of gunfire, off in the distance,
I'm getting used to it now
Lived in a brownstone, lived in a ghetto,
I've lived all over this town

This ain't no party, this ain't no disco,
This ain't no fooling around
No time for dancing, or lovey dovey,
I ain't got time for that now

Transmit the message, to the receiver,
Hope for an answer some day
I got three passports, a couple of visas,
You don't even know my real name

High on a hillside, the trucks are loading,
Everything's ready to roll
I sleep in the daytime, I work in the nighttime,
I might not ever get home

This ain't no party, this ain't no disco,
This ain't no fooling around
This ain't no Mudd Club, or C. B. G. B.,
I ain't got time for that now

Heard about Houston? Heard about Detroit?
Heard about Pittsburgh, P. A.?
You oughta know not to stand by the window
Somebody see you up there

I got some groceries, some peanut butter,
To last a couple of days
But I ain't got no speakers, ain't got no headphones,
Ain't got no records to play

Why stay in college? Why go to night school?
Gonna be different this time
Can't write a letter, can't send no postcard,
I ain't got time for that now

Trouble in transit, got through the roadblock,
We blended in with the crowd
We got computers, we're tapping phone lines,
I know that that ain't allowed

We dress like students, we dress like housewives,
Or in a suit and a tie
I changed my hairstyle, so many times now,
I don't know what I look like!

You make me shiver, I feel so tender,
We make a pretty good team
Don't get exhausted, I'll do some driving,
You ought to get you some sleep

Burned all my notebooks, what good are notebooks?
They won't help me survive
My chest is aching, burns like a furnace,
The burning keeps me alive

12. God's Child

Hey Hey Hey Hey
Ho Ho Ho Ho

Who calls this child to walk on her own?
Who leads her down this treacherous road?
She's dancing to a song we can't hear

Caminando en calle doce (12)
Debes estar en la escuela
Dulce angelita, de qui¨¦n eres t¨?

Come dance with me (ven, baila conmigo)
Come dance with me (ven, baila conmigo)
Come dance with me

God makes us dream, but won't set us free
God calls us dance to songs we can't hear

Canci¨n del vampiro
Gloria de amor
Es nuestro reino
Pero vean lo que hemos hecho

Come dance with me (ven, baila conmigo)
Come and dance with me (quiero ser libre)
Come dance with me (ven, baila conmigo)
Como t¨², como t¨² solo puedas bailar...
Oye, mira, baila conmigo
No me dejes sola
Ven, ven, ven
No me dejes sola

Ooh, come on down
Ooh, ooh, ahh, ahh
Ah, set me free (quiero ser libre) ha!
Come dance with me (ven, baila conmigo)
Ooh, ahh, with me

13. Road to Nowhere

Well we know where we're goin'
But we don't know where we've been
And we know what we're knowin'
But we can't say what we've seen
And we're not little children
And we know what we want
And the future is certain
Give us time to work it out

We're on a road to nowhere
Come on inside
Takin' that ride to nowhere
We'll take that ride

I'm feelin' okay this mornin'
And you know,
We're on the road to paradise
Here we go, here we go

We're on a road to nowhere
Come on inside
Takin' that ride to nowhere
We'll take that ride

Maybe you wonder where you are
I don't care
Here is where time is on our side
Take you there...take you there

We're on a road to nowhere
We're on a road to nowhere
We're on a road to nowhere

There's a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
And it's all right, baby, it's all right

And it's very far away
But it's growing day by day
And it's all right, baby, it's all right

They can tell you what to do
But they'll make a fool of you
And it's all right, baby, it's all right

We're on a road to nowhere

Byrne and Veloso

14. Dreamworld: Marco de Canaveses

Quem nao tem
Ela tem
Diz que tem
Mas tambm
Nem precisa dizer
And if it is real
Wanna touch
Wanna feel
She can dance
She belongs
She believes
Marco de Canaveses
O nome da terra
Onde Laroxum nasceu
And the taste of each flower is sweet
So why do the say she's a bad girl
She lives in the dark
Breathing in
Breathing out
It is wild
It is real
It is good
Ps e maos
Sins e naos
Olhos saos
De rolar e de ver
She's living in a dreamworld
Like regular people
And she's caught by the tail
Filha de um mestre cafuso
Deusa do cu
Como tu e eu
Ela veio
Ela vem
Vem trazer encanto ao mundo
She's living in a dreamworld
Like regular people
And she's caught by the tail
And the taste of each flower is sweet
So why do they say she's a bad girl
Em 1980 que ela veio ao mundo
Com os olhos azuis
E na testa as estrelas da cruz
Ela agora moca
Agora ela
Agora faz
E na pele castanha ela traz uma luz de cajus
Marco de Canaveses
O nome da terra
Onde Laroxum nasceu
Filha de um mestre cafuso
Deusa do cu
Como tu e eu
Take away, take away
Take away that hurting feeling
Ela veio, ela vem
Vem trazer encanto ao mundo
Wash away, wash away
Wash away that hurting feeling
Ela veio, ela vem
Vem trazer encanto ao mundo

15. Ilê Aiyê


16. (Nothing But) Flowers

Here we stand
Like an Adam and an Eve
The Garden of Eden
Two fools in love
So beautiful and strong
The birds in the trees
Are smiling upon them
From the age of the dinosaurs
Cars have run on gasoline
Where, where have they gone?
Now, it's nothing but flowers

There was a factory
Now there are mountains and rivers
you got it, you got it

We caught a rattlesnake
Now we got something for dinner
we got it, we got it

There was a shopping mall
Now it's all covered with flowers
you've got it, you've got it

If this is paradise
I wish I had a lawnmower
you've got it, you've got it

Years ago
I was an angry young man
I'd pretend
That I was a billboard
Standing tall
By the side of the road
I fell in love
With a beautiful highway
This used to be real estate
Now it's only fields and trees
Where, where is the town
Now, it's nothing but flowers
The highways and cars
Were sacrificed for agriculture
I thought that we'd start over
But I guess I was wrong

Once there were parking lots
Now it's a peaceful oasis
you got it, you got it

This was a Pizza Hut
Now it's all covered with daisies
you got it, you got it

I miss the honky tonks,
Dairy Queens, and 7-Elevens
you got it, you got it

And as things fell apart
Nobody paid much attention
you got it, you got it

I dream of cherry pies,
Candy bars, and chocolate chip cookies
you got it, you got it

We used to microwave
Now we just eat nuts and berries
you got it, you got it

This was a discount store,
Now it's turned into a cornfield
you got it, you got it

Don't leave me stranded here
I can't get used to this lifestyle

17. Terra

Quando eu me encontrava preso
Na cela de uma cadeia
Foi que vi pela primeira vez
As tais fotografias
Em que apareces inteira
Porém lá não estavas nua
E sim coberta de nuvens...

Terra! Terra!
Por mais distante
O errante navegante
Quem jamais te esqueceria?...

Ninguém supõe a morena
Dentro da estrela azulada
Na vertigem do cinema
Mando um abraço prá ti
Pequenina como se eu fosse
O saudoso poeta
E fosses a Paraíba...

Terra! Terra!
Por mais distante
O errante navegante
Quem jamais te esqueceria?...

Eu estou apaixonado
Por uma menina terra
Signo de elemento terra
Do mar se diz terra à vista
Terra para o pé firmeza
Terra para a mão carícia
Outros astros lhe são guia...

Terra! Terra!
Por mais distante
O errante navegante
Quem jamais te esqueceria?...

Eu sou um leão de fogo
Sem ti me consumiria
A mim mesmo eternamente
E de nada valeria
Acontecer de eu ser gente
E gente é outra alegria
Diferente das estrelas...

Terra! Terra!
Por mais distante
O errante navegante
Quem jamais te esqueceria?...

De onde nem tempo, nem espaço
Que a força mande coragem
Prá gente te dar carinho
Durante toda a viagem
Que realizas no nada
Através do qual carregas
O nome da tua carne...

Terra! Terra!
Por mais distante
O errante navegante
Quem jamais te esqueceria?
Terra! Terra!
Por mais distante
O errante navegante
Quem jamais te esqueceria?
Terra! Terra!
Por mais distante
O errante navegante
Quem jamais te esqueceria?...

Nas sacadas dos sobrados
Da velha são Salvador
Há lembranças de donzelas
Do tempo do Imperador
Tudo, tudo na Bahia
Faz a gente querer bem
A Bahia tem um jeito...

Terra! Terra!
Por mais distante
O errante navegante
Quem jamais te esqueceria?

18. Heaven

Everyone is trying to get to the bar.
The name of the bar, the bar is called Heaven.
The band in Heaven plays my favorite song.
They play it once again, they play it all night long.

Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.
Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.

There is a party, everyone is there.
Everyone will leave at exactly the same time.
Its hard to imagine that nothing at all
could be so exciting, and so much fun.

Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.
Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.

When this kiss is over it will start again.
It will not be any different, it will be exactly
the same.
It's hard to imagine that nothing at all
could be so exciting, could be so much fun.

Heaven is a place where nothing every happens.
Heaven is a place where nothing every happens.



Performed and Written by Caetano Veloso and DB
Produced by Caetano Veloso and DB

Recorded live at Carnegie Hall, New York City, on April 17, 2004
Recorded and mixed by Tom Lazarus

Mastered by Robert C. Ludwig at Gateway Mastering Studios. Portland. ME

Design by John Gall
Photography by Chris Lee

Executive Producer: Robert Hurwitz

©Nonesuch Records Inc., a Warner Music Group

February Radio David Byrne Radio Presents: Senegal

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