David Byrne, toujours à contre-courant

Via Le Figaro

Olivier Nuc

This is a guy who leads since more than thirty years a career of wealth and an inventiveness constant . Surgi New York at the end of the years 1970 full punk explosion, David Byrne accompanied brilliantly , often with a length ahead , the evolution of music popular .

It will be tomorrow , at the Olympia , with a new show . "On this tour , I decided to use more singers and dancers than usual, " he explains , "in order to reproduce the vocal harmonies present on the record ." The album in question, Everything That Happens Will Happen Today, is not just the new David Byrne. It isthe first record to bear the double signature Byrne-Eno since My Life in the Bush of Ghosts of 1981, of which it constitutes the antithesis in all points. Simple and direct, this last-born does not run after the disheveled avant-garde of his predecessor , who prefigured the vogue of sampling.

"Brian (Eno, Editor's note) had these pretty folk songs that he sent me so that I could insert melodies and lyrics." From this original exercise was born an atypical record , on which the former spokesperson Talking Heads gives flesh to the instrumental textures woven by the English, unusual architect of the U2 or Coldplay discs. " This is the first time we have worked together in twenty-seven years. I enjoyed myself so much to put my items on the very simple chords that sent me Brian. None of the songs have a classic couplet / chorus structure, "says the American.Eno, NDLR) avait ces morceaux assez folk qu'il m'a envoyés j'y greffe des mélodies et des paroles.» De cet exercice original est né un atypique, lequel l'ancien porte-parole des Talking Heads donne chair aux textures instrumentales tissées par l'Anglais, architecte hors norme des disques de U2 ou Coldplay. «première fois que nous avons travaillé ensemble en vingt-sept ans. Je me suis beaucoup amusé éléments très simples que m'envoyait Brian. Aucune des chansons n'a classique type couplet/refrain», explique l'Américain.

There are many long David Byrne broke the moorings with the ungraded rock US . From his third album, Fear of Music, in 1979, his group Talking Heads ventured on the side of an angular and futuristic pop concocted with the help of the sorcerer Brian Eno. The year following , Remain in Light sinking the nail , toEno. shot rhythmic asymmetrical , inflections African and texts surreal . No wonder if , today , these discs are quoted in reference by many groups (Radiohead, Franz Ferdinand ...). Even if he did consider not necessarily like their father at all , David Byrne is well aware of the young artists. Right now, TV on the Radio, Santogoldces disques très au fait des The Bird and the Bee or the French Camille have their preference .ou la

David Byrne was one of the biggest promoters of music in the world at around the Luaka Bop label, which he founded and which he left the management recently. "I realized that I was not a good businessman and also that I did not have the time to take care of the label as it should." Nevertheless, the brand continues, with regular releases.été un des plus grands promoteurs de travers le label Luaka Bop, qu'il a fondé et quitté la direction tout récemment. «Je me suis aperçu que je n'étais pas un bon homme d'affaires et aussi que le temps me manquait pour m'occuper du label faudrait.» Néanmoins, la marque continue, disques régulières.

The new hobby of David Byrne, who has been obsessing him for almost fifteen years, is the bike. Long before the Vélib 'burst into Paris, you could see David Byrne, white mane in the wind, hitting the streets of Manhattan on his bicycle. Today, he does not go on tour without his precious machine, which he will soon dedicate a book. David Byrne will always be against the flow.

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