What We Listened to in 2009

Via Seattle Weekly

Chris Kornelis

As much fun as it is to write (and Tweet about) the best albums of the year, I'm sure every artist on our year-end list would trade that distinction for a spot on a handful of our readers' lists of "Albums from 2009 that I'm still listening to in 2010, 2012, and 2025."

What I've always found more revealing—and definitive—than a person's favorite records of the year is what they're actually still listening to. Sure, Neko Case's Middle Cyclone and Fresh Espresso's Glamouraren't on our year-end list this season. But the true test of any album's worth is how history receives it. With that in mind, here's a look at bands, albums, and songs a few of our contributors kept in high rotation this year, whether they were released in 2009 or not.

David Byrne and Brian Eno, Everything That Happens Will Happen Today (2008). I have a hard time taking David Byrne seriously. He could sing about butchering fowl and I'd still feel as if I were in on some colossal joke. Don't ask me why, but "Strange Overtones" and the lyrics "Put on your socks and mittens/It's getting colder tonight" begs me to do just the opposite. It's a goofy melody that could only be executed by someone with nothing left to prove. It's as good a reason as any to greet the morning with a little light between the sheets.

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